Thursday, January 14, 2010

All is quiet

H went down about 5 minutes ago. It only took like 30 seconds. Hence, I am expecting him to wake up and realize he's alone in his crib and begin wailing for me to rescue him any moment. But until then...

H's sleep has been an issue of late. When he was itty bitty, we were blessed with an angel who loved his sleep. He first slept through the night at the tender age of 4 weeks, and soon that became the norm. I knew I was lucky, but I also quickly got used to getting 8 hours of shuteye myself.

And then he hit 4 months. As if on a tight schedule, he began what I have heard many call the 4 month wakeful -- a period of dreamland rebellion. He would not fall asleep. When he did, he would wake all night. We're talking once every hour at least. And then it would take a half hour to get him back down. Which meant W and I were getting 10 minute increments of sleep. Not much to work a full day on.

After 18 days of sleep strike, the clouds began to clear. I'm not sure if it was getting him on a more regular bed time routine, or moving his bed time up a smidge, or focusing on getting him to fall asleep in the crib rather than in my arms, but it started to be only 4 wakings a night, then 3. Now he's at 2 or less, and while I know he can go straight through, I'm not pushing it. I'm just so happy to be able to face the days without an IV of high octane coffee (although, of course, I still prefer to).

Knock on wood, MDF, and anything else you got handy, this sticks. Next challenge on the docket: a nap that lasts longer than a sitcom.

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