Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MOM's gotta-have baby gear

OK, you don't HAVE to have these. Hell, I've read tons of articles on how little you really do need when it comes to an infant. But with six months under my belt, I've been through the aisles of BRU more times than I'll admit and have learned what works, what doesn't, and what should officially replace sliced bread as the best thing ever. I also have a number of friends who will be first-time parents soon and have been asking me what they ::really:: need. So, behold, Maxed-Out Mommy's picks.

Boppy Nursing Pillow with Slipcover, Lots of Dots

Who knew a silly-shaped pillow would be such a lifesaver. During the marathon nursing sessions of H's first weeks, the Boppy saved my poor arms from falling off. As he got a little bigger it was his first recliner, and when he was mastering sitting we'd wrap it around his butt for some support. I still use it to nurse - it's just so freakin easy why not?

The Children's Place Stetchies PJs

No matter how chill your little one, place a baby on a changing table and suddenly they are a wiggle worm. At night, I get to add screaming to the mix as H knows the routine by heart and knows as soon as the PJs are on, he gets to eat, and he wants to get to that point NOW. However, so many PJs on the market come with 3733863 snaps up the legs and chest, resulting in a 20 minute changing. These zip right up the front: baby is in and happy in 20 seconds. Plus they are darn cute.

Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle
Halo Innovations Sleepsack Swaddle, Baby Blue, Newborn

AKA the Baby Straight Jacket. AKA the Baby Burrito. W and I had plenty of names for this contraption, but it's no joke. Babies love to be swaddled, and swaddling with a traditional blanket can be like oragami. This makes it so simple and easy, plus it keeps baby warm all night. H has now moved up to the classic Halo Sleep Sacks and I'm still a fan.

Baby Trend Snap N Go
Baby Trend Snap N Go-Single Stroller

I was amazed at how much research simple things like car seats and strollers require. I'm so glad I did my reading, though, and found this little gadget. Remove carseat holding sleeping baby from car, pop on top of this, and go! Suddenly stroller! Plus, it's sooo light -- I can hold it with one finger, no lie. H is getting bigger so we'll be moving to the "big boy stroller" soon, but for the first few months, this is the bestest.

Sophie The Giraffe
Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether, Brown/ White

It's a rubber giraffe. And it's like $20. And it looks like my dog's chew toys. I know. I had the same look on my face when I received this at a baby shower, but the cult following is justified. Sophie is the best lil teether. Her gangly legs are great for molars while her beaked nose helps out in the front. H loves her and when his gums are screaming, he goes right for her. Who would have guessed?

Boogie Wipes
Boogie Wipes Saline Nose Wipes-Original Scent - Set of 3 (90 Wipes Total)

The phrase "snot-nosed kid" is no lie. At any given moment, H has a crust of boogers around his nose, some tear streaks by his eyes, and probably a chunk of sweet potato in his neck rolls. Tissues and wet paper towells are quick fixes, but they don't break up the mucusy gunk -- these do! It's simple saline, so it's safe for the little ones, but it cuts through the crap quickly and without scrubbing. Which means my kid doesn't look like he was just riffling around in my garbage can.

Fisher Price Rainforest Soother
Fisher-Price Rainforest Peek-A-Boo Waterfall Soother

I wasn't a fan of most mobiles on the market when I was decorating H's room. Plus, knowing I'd have to taken it down by 6 months for safety reasons made me question spening the dough on something at all. Enter the soother. It has all the interest and sounds of a mobile -- a swinging monkey and bubbling fish with a nature sounds and music track -- but can be placed in the crib. H loved it from day one and now he can push the button himself when he wakes up from naps for some entertainment while mom gets her butt up the stairs.

Have a product you don't think you would have made it this long without? Lemme know!


  1. I can't find how to follow your blog...

  2. I love your blog! I agree with everything on the list!! My son Wyatt is also 6 months old and he slept in the halo swaddle sacks until he couldn't wear them and now is in the sacks. He slept like a baby in those things. I have to say though, I liked the boppy but when I found 'My Brest Friend' nursing pillow I now recommend that to all first time moms. It had so much more support for your back and arms. I loved it!!! We also loved Aden+Anais swaddle blankets and sleep sacks! Super cute designs and blankets that are great for ANYTHING!!! Can't live without them. Another great favorite would be our Jelly Cat toys and stuffed animals and the ERGO baby carrier. Just a few things you might want to check out. He loves the jelly cats- they are so cute and he loves sleeping with the little ones!
    Well sorry I have bored you with all of this. Check me out sometime...
    I love following your blog!
