Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm a winner!

I knew my mom wasn't just spoon-feeding me BS!

My dear bud and momma-to-be Mary, aka Mrs H, has bestowed upon me this fabulous award:

The only stipulation in accepting it is sharing seven facts about yourself. That, and thanking the little people.

So here we go:

1. I am scared of fish. I mean SCARED. I can not walk through that section of the pet store. I can not go deeper than the knees at the shore. The little buggers are out to get my toes, I tell ya!

2. I have been curling. This has been great conversation fodder of late thanks to the Olympics. I went while living in the UK back in college and it's pretty darn fun. Especially when followed by a game of Quizzo and a glass of Pimm's.

3. I used to dance competitively. Not like "Dancing With the Stars" ... it was more like hotel ballrooms full of screaming, Aqua Net-toating grade schoolers sporting sequence and jazz hands. I did modern, lyrical, and tap. And I have upteen medals and trophies in the basement to prove it.

4. I also used to be a bartender. I got the job sophomore year of college and it was faaabulous, seeing as how I was only 19. It was also a great way to meet some amazing people and I have yet to have a job I enjoy more.

5. I have two little brothers who mean the world to me. We "hated" each other as kids, but as we have all grown up we have gotten closer and I love that. Nothing is better than having a beer with my guys and seeing what great men they have become.

6. I can listen to a song on the radio once and memorize all the words. It's a gift.

7. I cannot whistle. I have tried for 20+ years and it does not work. It makes me feel like I'm broken or something. I mean, who can't whistle???

OK, time to pass on the love. I give this award to CannonBall14. Share your stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...thanks Mel! And I have to listen to a song at least 3 times before I know the words! Jealous.
