Friday, February 12, 2010

Standing tall

Yes, I'm referring to my 5-month-old son. Insert totally scared and freaked out emoticon here.

I always knew H was a stander. We have a photo of him standing on my lap from the hospital. He was one-day-old, and he was putting pressure on his itty bitty, still-ink-stained feet. He's always loved to stand -- any crying spell or hissy fit can be ended by standing him up on your lap. It's like his favorite thing. Ever.

So yesterday evening my little boy and I started his bedtime routine with a bath. He was splashing his feet as he always does, giggling as he went. A swift kick to the left sent him off balance, and his butt slid from under him, pulling him under the water to his chin. Of course, he LOVED this, and every time I righted him, he pushed himself under again. I was not going to worry about him getting his head under, so instead I turned him around in the tub. So what does he do? He reaches out to the lip of the baby tub, grabs on, and pulls himself up to standing. Whaaaa?

I quickly grabbed him, rinsed his hair, and pulled him out. Pulling up at 5 months? Pulling up in a slippery tub on a flexible surface half his height? No no no no no.

So to BRU I go this weekend, looking for a safer bath for Mr. Standerson. He's going to walk before he crawls, isn't he? Dang it.

1 comment:

  1. This doesn't surprise me b/c this child is brilliant! :)
