Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pump it up

And out. Twice a day. In this tiny little stanky room with a stained chair that my work calls the "Privacy Suite." Yea.

When I was pregnant, I wasn't sure if I was going to breastfeed H. I was scared of it, to be honest. It kinda creeped me out. And from all the horror stories I had heard, I had convinced myself I wouldn't be able to do it anyway. I read all the books, though, figuring I wanted to know what the real deal was before I made my final decision. And the books guilted me into trying it. For H. And for the apparently easier weight loss.

My intial goal was to make it three months. To my surprise, breastfeeding H turned out to be a cake walk. The kid was a natural, I had little to no pain, no supply issues, and ended up really liking it. I found myself looking forward to nursing sessions. Sure, I also felt tied to the couch and going to the store became a logistical fiasco, but I honestly didn't mind.

So three months came and went and I set a new goal of six months. I went back to work, and the next challenge began: pumping. Fitting it into my schedule was tough, trying to explain why I was late to meetings or toting around my black bag was awkward. But I wanted to keep going. Something inside me kept me going. And even when my supply dipped and I had to begin supplementing with formula to fill out H's bottles for daycare, I forged ahead.

In three days, my little dude will be six months. And W has assumed that I will simply break out the BJs econo can of formula and switch on over. But A) Sweet husband, it's not that simple. And B) I don't think I'm ready.

I know that if it were up to him, H would agree that we are not ready to wean. He LOVES nursing. It's our cuddle time in the morning before work and school and it's our relaxing time in the evening before he goes to bed. He has no problem with a bottle, but when he sees he gets to nurse the kid lights up like Fourth of July fireworks. It's like he's been in the dessert for days and I am his oasis. How can I deny my little, sweet boy that? How can I be so selfish?

It's inconvient. It's a pain. And it's something I look forward to every day. I don't think I'm going to set another deadline for this. I'm just going to go with it and see when either H or I think it's time for a change. And W will just have to deal. I can't make everyone happy!


  1. I could have written this post, almost word for word, except that J will be 6 months in 7 days. And I pump in the break room at work 3 times a day, much to the apparent horror of our boss. Good luck. I can't believe we've made it this far and I'm not giving up anytime soon, either!

  2. This was so sweet to read. My son is just 11 weeks old, but I've really come to love nursing. I had originally set a 6-month goal, but I think I may just follow your lead and keep going until it's not working for him or I.

  3. This makes me look forward to nursing. And, you're right, W will deal. :)

  4. Our sons' birthdays are just a few days apart - this is us too!!! My husband thought I'd want to wean soon... but we made it the first week, the second week, the first month, the third month, me going back to work and we're just about to my latest goal of making it to 6 months of nursing. I'm following my son's lead at this point for when he's ready to wean.

    Don't get me wrong - I hate pumping, but it's also nice to get away from the work craziness for 20 minutes twice a day!

    Congrats to you :-)

  5. My son will be six months in 5 days and my goal for nursing also started at 3 months, then maybe 6 and well I didn't make it past three. I wish that i could have made it but after having a c-section, followed by latching problems, using a nipple shield (sorry to much info), low supply, medication to help get supply up and having to go out of town, it just didn't work for us. I tried, I loved it and wished I could have continued. I wish I would have read all those chapters in the breastfeeding book on nursing after a c-section, I wish I would have taken a class. Next time.... I know! Even with all of our problems, it was sooo hard to stop. I felt like a bad mother, a failure, i felt like i was letting him down. However, my little baby boy is happy and healthy and that is all that matters. I wish you luck!! Oh and I really enjoy keeping up with your blog!
