Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baby, I'm amazed

It really is crazy to be able to watch someone learn something. The detailed thought process, the first few failed attempts, the slowly growing confidence. And, ultimately, the mastering and subsequent pride.

Having a baby allows me to watch this amazing journey, in one stage or another, on a daily basis. It's like my own personal Discovery Channel.

H suddenly took on three new skills in the span of three days:

Pincher grasp. H has been working on this one, but it was hit or miss. Typically, the Puffs we practiced with would end up in his palm, and he would slam his entire fist into his mouth in the hopes that one or more would land within. This weekend, the delicate thumb to pointer maneuver suddenly became clear. He eyed the Puff. He slowly lowered the hand, fingers apart and at the ready. Grab, raise, and -- success! So in love with his new ability, H has been showing it off randomly ever since. Chilling on the changing table, watching the puppy, in the bath ... he'll suddenly stop, look at his hand, and repeatedly open and close his two fingers. Just making sure he still has the power. So adorable.

Clapping. I make H clap all the time, but it occurred to me last week that if babies learn much through imitation, I should be clapping more often. So it began -- every event was cause for jubilant celebration. We clapped when H finished dinner. Clapped when a good song came on the radio. Clapped when Daddy got home. Suddenly, he was clapping, too. No, not when I did it. Again, this skill is showing itself at the most random of times. He doesn't seem to understand its connection to joy, he only sees it as this really cool bringing together of his hands. I'll turn around and he'll be clapping away, and then when I try and join in, he stops and looks at me like I'm nuts. Which, perhaps, I am.

Sitting-to-crawling. No, we have not mastered crawling yet, but he's one step closer. H now throws his hands forward while sitting and pushes his body weight on his chubby fists, boosting himself into a crawling pose. Then, of course, he just hangs there until he slides to his tummy or cries in frustration, but again, it's the right direction. Literally.

With all this quick learning in a few short days, I'm now totally convinced he's going to pick up other things in a matter of seconds. I'll look up at the TV and he'll be crawling, or I'll go to answer the phone and he'll be walking behind me. Crazy, amazing, wondrous boy.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We are in the same stage of crawling, he does the rock-rock-rock, slide one knee forward and collapse in a heap of tears. That's awesome about the pincer grasp, and so cute to imagine a baby sitting in the tub practicing.
