Monday, January 25, 2010

5 months, milestones, and making it work

Friday H turned 5 months. Little man is growing up so fast! I can hardly stand it!

To celebrate, H decided to become an offical sitter. Now we had been toying with the idea of sitting for weeks now. He would tripod for a bit, or sit for 5 seconds only to teeter over like a falling redwood. But Friday he really got it. He sat. He reached for a toy and didn't go crashing. He picked up said toy and shoved it into his mouth with glee. Yahoo!

Now that he's conquered this, H has already thrown himself into Operation: Crawl. He's determined. He pushes up his arms and torso and wriggles his feet furiously. If only he could figure out how to life that cute butt of his skyward. He lays there and grunts and moves and hopes but no movement. He gets so frustrated, but when I try to help him or turn him over for a break, he gets even angrier. Stop it, mom. I can DO it. Sweet, stubborn child.

In work/life news, W and I chatted and decided I really don't have a choice with the work schedule. We need my income to live the way we are and we want to have more put away before we consider dropping down to one income. Especially if we plan to have a second spawn. So W is going to take H to school in the mornings, allowing me to get into work mega early. I will then be able to leave before nightfall and get him from school and home at a decent hour. This means that nearly always H will be alseep by the time W gets home, but there's just no other way. At least they'll have some boy bonding time in the mornings.

I'll be keeping my eyes open for some miracle dream job that allows me to work whenever suits me while making six figures plus a company convertable (ha!), but this will have to do until then.


  1. My hubby always gets my guy ready in the AM and he says it's his favorite time of day b/c he's all smiles and playtime.
